Piera Gelardi, Creative Director
What I'm wearing: "Recently a pregnant friend asked me for some fashion suggestions and I said, you have to get these shorts from Vena Cava! Seriously, they are ridiculously comfy and since they have an elastic waist, they have room to grow in. A shoe-in for Thanksgiving. With my starry night shorts, I'm wearing a Vena Cava for Aqua scarf (a gift from the press preview), a Rag & Bone blazer scored from their last sample sale, a Z Spoke shirt, a vintage bag from my favorite thrift store in Maine, and boots from Urban Outfitters."
My beauty look du jour: I've been experimenting with Sephora liquid eyeliner lately and loving this M.A.C. Venemous Villians lipstick in Toxic Tale (a gift from our managing editor, Lisa).
What's on my iPod today: The Refinery29 Fall playlist, of course, and my favorite band du jour, Twin Shadow.
What's on my to-do list: Eight million things! But top of the list is working on a logo for a TOP SECRET story we're unveiling next week.