What I'm Wearing: "I am wearing a black ASOS summer sundress
refashioned for a NYC winter day with a oversized vintage tweed men's
blazer scored from Oona's in Harvard Square years ago! I'm pairing
that with classic, New England duckboots, a lime green (it reminds me
of summer!) pashima from Chinatown's Pashmina Mall, and a vintage fur
stole—my biggest eBay vintage find to date."
Makeup Look Du Jour:"I rely on my go-to color which is Ruby Woo by MAC Cosmetics. The shade is so matte it may as well be clay. I stay simple
make-up wise keeping to just one pop of color. I've always preferred
lipstick as it reminds me of old Hollywood."
Favorite Holiday Gift: "I got so much good stuff from folks who love
me. My favorite gift I have to say is a sturdy messenger back from
Brooklyn Industries. Sturdy leather trim and bright gold hardware—
I'm in love."
Have You Been Keeping Up Your New Year's Resolution?: "My goal is to
get back into my Bikram practice regularly and cook for myself more.
Last night's dinner was this zucchini and shrimp mash-up on a plate.
So far, so good. Bikram on the other hand..."