Happy Friday! Here’s Our New (Second-Favorite) Time Waster

Confession time: We're huge fans of What Should We Call Me — we visit at least once a day, and have been known to fake a cough or two to cover up the giggles. Seriously, it's like those GIFs are inside our brains sometimes.
So, we were pretty pumped when we saw that a mystery Tumblr-er has created a knock-off version especially for Washington: Meet #WhenInDC. You'll see many of the same familiar (and hilarious) images, with captions that you'll only really get if you live in the District and surrounds. We're guessing, from some of the venues highlighted (Mad Hatter, Sign of the Whale, Ultrabar, Dan's, you know where we're going with this) that the author is probably fresh out of college, but he or she has totally nailed what it's like for the rest of us who live here — the frustration of being a Nats' fan, weekend Metro work, and flying out of Dulles instead of Reagan. It's all there, so if you've got a few minutes to waste (and, ahem, your boss doesn't mind) click on over. Just don't blame us if your coworkers catch you cracking up.

Photo: Via #WhenInDC

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