Let's face it, who wants to wear much of anything in the summer? Especially when enduring sticky, oppressively hot and humid weather (hello, New York), we don't even want to wear jewelry, let alone a bra. Going bra-less in the summer seems to be a growing trend both on and off the runway, though many women are strongly divided on this issue. While some small-chested girls prefer to go sans-brassiere all year long, it's often not an option for those endowed with a larger bust or those with a penchant for low-cut tops, which pervade summer wardrobes. Another issue which divides women is the appropriateness of bare nipples showing through shirts. Whether you couldn't care less about your nips showing in even the sheerest of shirts or you'd rather not be exposed, it's a pretty safe bet that prominent or semi-visible nipples aren't appropriate in most work environments (unless you're Lady Gaga, of course). A solution to this is adhesive silicone or fabric nipple covers, which come in various skin tones and also in cute patterns and shapes. These give you all the comfort and freedom of going bra-less without the risk of exposure, but they still might leave some women feeling too bare, and they don't offer any of the support that a bra has. Where do you land on the bra-less issue? Do you let your ladies fly free in the summer, or do you rock your sexy little underthings all year long?(T Magazine)