Pastry chef William Wener is so sweet that he handed out free baked goods when he realized the air conditioning at Craftsman & Wolves was busted. What a treat! (Eater SF)
Meanwhile, when he's not fixing air conditioners, Wener likes to get his haircut and cozy up at multiple bars in the Mission. (GQ)
Just in time for the World Series, S.F.'s first gay sports club is set to open in Castro. (Huff Post SF)
Here's how to taste Pizzando's menu before it opens in August. The new Italian spot will feature wood-fired pizzeria cooked by former A16 chef Liza Shaw, and Louis Maldonado of Spoonbar. (Grub Street)
We love bacon, and we adore chocolate chip cookies, but we never thought we'd enjoy the two together...Until now! (SF Weekly)

Photo: Via GQ