To get in the spirit of holiday cheer, and to give your credit card a major break, one of our go-to-jewelry-gals, Pamela Love, is giving away a Copper Arrow Rope Necklace from her fall '10 collection! If you're sick of braving those bone-rattling chills, or are getting some major agoraphobia from the claustrophobia, we think this is the perfect remedy short of a hot toddy. The piece, which retails for $200, is just perfection for a little folksy-cum-exotic street cred—the arrow shaped pendant (available in antique copper finish or bronze), cast to look like rope, was inspired by the Mexican folk art of the Southwest. And don't you know, the winning process is interesting, just like this groovy gift. Get creative and tweet at us and Pamela Love in the same tweet (@refinery29 and @pamelalovenyc) describing your most unusual NYE experience—L.O.L., it's gotta be 140 characters or less—the winner, chosen by Love herself, will score the loot and get the ultimate 2011 souvenir. But remember, keep it truthful! After all, you don't want to end up on Santa's shit-list the week of Christmas!