How could we have missed this trip to the closet and apartment of the lovely Sophie Buhai of Vena Cava? Hey, lady.
Speaking of insider looks, take a trip to jewelry designer Anna Sheffield's studio.
Rei Kawakumbo's ongoing obsession with Converse creates the best Comme des Garçons sneaker yet.
Yigal Azroüel frolics, surfs in Costa Rica. Katie Lee Joel is nowhere to be seen.
How to get Anna Wintour's summer looks for less. You'll have to provide your own soul-chilling death stare.
For the rapidly growing Fashion's Night Out circus, Wintour will be signing T-shirts… in a Macy's… in Queens… No, really, it's true.
Vogue's ad pages for the September issue have gone down 36% since last year. As others wiser than us have said, there's nothing so slimming to the figure as poverty.
Is POP editrix Dasha Zhukova preggers with her billionaire boyfriend's love spawn? The purported baby daddy is denying the rumor, but tongues are wagging nonetheless.
Kate Moss's gamine beauty is giving way to the inevitable results of her Keith Richard's lifestyle. She's still our ember-hot Kate, though.
Has Loden Dager created the perfect T-shirt?
"Do you know why I almost always wear a tie? I have this complex that if I walk into a place wearing a colorful shirt someone will stop me and say, 'I'm sorry, but the Latin band comes through the other door.'"—Oscar de la Renta.More Posts: