Inspired by Esteé Lauder's Drops of Advice campaign, we been dolling out dollops of hearty wisdom from some of our favorite, successful friends. Today, we're getting the hook up from our Los Angeles Editor, Brenna Egan. A former Vogue staffer and stylist (or can't you tell?) Brenna's got the City of Angels on a string – but it took a lot of tough, inspiring women to get her there. Let her break it down for you.

Brenna Egan, Los Angeles Editor, Refinery29
"Every piece of meaningful advice I've received in my life has come from a strong, savvy female. My mom is the greatest, most nurturing lady I know, and she's taught me that first and foremost, kindness is the key to life. No matter how frustrated I get with certain people, or if I'm ever poorly treated, I strive to always be gracious and loving in return — no matter how much I'd rather let my rage show! "
"My junior high English teacher, Mrs. Carolyn Beery, always made us write rough drafts, and to this day, even if it's for a simple post, I will still scribble out the words out old-school style first! This was one of the most valuable lessons for my writing to be concise and clean. "
"Another amazing and selfless influence in my life, Ms. Kathy Tocco, taught me never to settle for less than the best as a woman in relationships — she gave me my first ounces of confidence, and for that I'm beyond thankful. Last but not least, my first boss, Carrie Baker, showed me how to lead others by being cool and impressive, not by instilling fear and doling out tongue-lashings (she also gave me the number-one tip of my career: Read WWD every day). I'm so blessed to have her as a mentor, and I think my assistants now are, too, ha!"
Photos: Photography by Angela Tafoya, Courtesy Brenna Egan.