Gwyneth Paltrow sure looks good, but at what price? One woman tried the 30-Day Method, from Paltrow's trainer, Tracy Anderson, and suffered blackouts. What does GOOP have to say about this? (Daily Mail)
Lady Gaga clearly doesn't care about breakouts—the singer goes to bed in full makeup. Oh, and her hair is so processed, it's falling out. Luckily, she's "blessed with good genes." #bornthisway (Gawker)
Finally, it looks like there's a light at the end of the World Trade Center Monument construction tunnel. (Huffington Post)
Tiger Wood's ex-mistress, Rachel Uchitel, is becoming a private detective. She wants to open her own firm and call it "Puma PI," because she's not yet a cougar. We're not making this stuff up. (New York Post)
If you haven't heard of Transcendental Meditation, get ready. The New York Times's long profile on "TM" officially means it as the "next big spiritual" trend. (New York Times)