No matter how hideous we currently find velour tracksuits, platform sneakers, and tiny, yellow-tinted sunglasses, there was a time when we not only found these items chic — we wanted them in our wardrobes worse than we wanted Josh Hartnett to take us to the spring formal. Since we believe in safe spaces where we can confess our transgressions, we present to you Teen Vogue's list of the 10 worst fashion trends of the '90s and aughts — and the reasons we loved them then.
From the shiny, holographic fabric we thought was so millennial to the ever-convenient bandana top — It's a hat! It's a shirt! It's a hankie! — these fads do have an explanation. Click over to Teen Vogue for the full story. May we learn from our past mistakes so we never repeat them, because, as these Frankenshoes prove, some of these '90s trends are just dying to Spice up our lives all over again... (Teen Vogue)
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