On Saturday night, two vodka sodas in, the socioeconomic or historic significance of why we'll likely wake up with a slight hangover is not exactly top of mind. But the students at Yale are not on the same page as you. Ivy Leagers at the New Haven campus can now add "Dance Music and Nightlife Culture in New York City" to their class load, and yes, that includes on-site field trips.
We know, a course on NYC nightlife and dance jams sounds, well unconventional amazing, but it's not all tequila shots and booty shaking. While the integration of guest DJs and nightclub experts is par for the course, "It's not just about getting drunk," says Madison Moore, the doctoral candidate who teaches the for-credit class. Moore explains that students will essentially take away an understanding of "the history of it, the Harlem cabarets, race, gender, sex, Prohibition, and the law." We may be a few years removed from school, and let's face it, any class at Yale is unlikely to be a Mickey Mouse course, but we'd totally consider requesting to audit some classes if we got to party with this crowd of intellectuals. Cake-walk or curriculum awesomeness? Let us know in the comments! (Huffington Post)
Photo: Via Billy Farrell Agency