You know by now how much we lurve all your comments and when we ask for your creative snapshots, it gives us a little hit of happiness to start our weekend out right. This time around, we had a contest that called for you to show us your most bold, eye catching statement piece of jewelry, (or, err, a bulletproof bra according to Mia) to win your very own Neon Aztec Charo Cuff from Roarke. We saw it all, from Louise's exotic Moroccan headpiece (winner!!) to Stella and Mia's handmade bib necklace and neon feather earrings. While Lynn's bunny ears were hoppin', Jessica's hilarious (and somewhat creepy) animal masquerade party wasn't your typical statement piece, but definitely made quite the statement. Once again, you've won us over with your inspired photos, so keep em' coming, and don't forget to peep next week's new contests (we think it'll be our best yet). Until then, check out the best of the rest!