Was your Saturday night spent reclining on a blanket in a garden of paper flowers and lace teepees, gazing up at the stars with a St. Germain cocktail in hand? If it wasn't, you're probably starting to wish it were, right about now.
Brightest Young Things' Zou Bisou Bisou party went down at the French Embassy on Saturday night, and from the dreamy photos we just spied, it was pretty fabulous. At the very least, these eye-candy snaps will make you want to seriously step up your picnic game. Click through to scope out the scene, steal a few handy DIY decor ideas, and maybe kick yourself a little for not hitting up the party when you had the chance. (Note: A few of these shots might be deemed NSFW by a conservative boss, just so you know. Proceed with caution.) (Brightest Young Things)

Photo: Via Brightest Young Things