There are few people in the world who are immune to the joys of a furry kitten nugget, and it's nice to see that super-human Karl Lagerfeld is not one of them. In an interview with WWD, Karl gets a little gushy about his Siamese cat, Choupette.
Originally, Choupette belonged to Baptiste Giaconi (who could arguable be called another of Karl's pets), and he allowed Karl to kitty-sit over Christmas. Of course — have you seen Choupette? — Karl refused to give her back. "I thought she was too cute."
Fair. But what's it like to call Karl your doting owner? "She has lunch and dinner with me on the table, with her own food. She doesn’t touch my food. She doesn’t want to eat on the floor. She sleeps under a pillow and she even knows how to use an iPad. She has two personal maids, for both night and day. She is beyond spoiled. When I am not there, the maids take down, in little books, everything she did, from what she ate to how she behaved, if she was tired, and if she wasn’t sleeping. In the nine months, we already have almost 600 pages." Feel that feeling? That's you being jealous — of a cat. (WWD)
Photo: Via Showstudio