It looks like Noritaka Tatehana's heelless, physics-defying platform shoe is the kind of footwear that's a favorite of more than just those who can also afford to hire a human walking stick to lean on (read: Lady Gaga and Daphne Guinness).
Susie Bubble stopped by the Nortika's studio to see how one of these "heels" are created, and even though we always thought the process involved prayer and perhaps a newt's eye or three, it's mostly just typical cobbler's tools and lots of really strong glue. Using a calligraphy brush, Noritaka paints on layers of cementing glue, hammers on the sole, and executes some (very secret) forces of engineering that get the platform as high as it can be. Check out the step-by-step photos that Susie snapped, and try to guess what the secret to the platform can be. Hedge your bets, below! (Style Bubble)