Where Were NYC’s Coolest Halloween Costumes? At The R29 Party, Of Course!

Despite what the Internet might have you believe, not everything takes place on a computer screen. All those pictures you see on Facebook after a great weekend were actually created using real people in the physical world! Crazy, we know.
And crazy is definitely the word for it! The specialty Stoli cocktails were overflowing, the decorations were killer thanks to Cole Haan, and the overall scene at The Wooly was a lot cooler than your average Monster Mash. New York's most dedicated Halloween party people found themselves experiencing this unnatural phenomenon first-hand on Saturday night at the R29 Halloween bash, and now you can get a taste of the fun for yourself — and maybe even some inspiration for Wednesday night.
Before you start clicking, beware: there are some seriously amazing costumes in here. Like, so amazing you'll feel bad if you just ordered a sexy Big Bird costume off Amazon. That's okay, though! It's only Monday. You've got two full days to turn it around and make this the raddest Halloween ever. Don't be jealous of our incredibly creative costumes, just be inspired. We're here to help.
Oh, and by the way, the party's theme was Purple Reign (you can thank our amazing creative director, Piera Gelardi, for that gem of a pun), a.k.a. where Prince & The Revolution meets Marie Antoinette and the French Revolution, or, the best party ever.

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