Jeffrey Campbell And Convert Create A Slew Of Vegan Steppers

We’ve been on a shoe-buying rampage ever since Convert’s sole spot hit Berkeley’s luxe 4th Street shopping stretch a few months back. In fact, you may recall our sly Instagram snaps of the sleek interior. And while the shop stocks a sizeable amount of eco-friendly, eye-pleasing steppers, we continually flip for the exclusive Jeffrey Campbell x Convert creations. Get excited peeps — the brand (a perpetual blogger fave) has teamed up with the Bay Area shop yet again to craft a new selection of vegan shoes.
This is the fourth-consecutive year the earth-conscious collab has taken place, and we’re more stoked than ever to get these bad boys on our feet. "When we made the decision to go vegan with JC, we had no idea the response would be so amazing," says Convert owner Randy Brewer. "It's great to be able to provide ladies who have such commendable values with shoes without sacrificing great design. We plan on keeping this going for a long time!" We have an insider glance at the new styles expected to hit stores this summer (some pairs are available now), so get ready to ogle. And with prices ranging from $92 to $172, we are definitely tacking these onto our summer wishlist.
Photo: Courtesy of Convert

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