It Runs In The Family! Meet Blaine, Jennifer Lawrence’s Hunky Bro

While most folks were stuffing their faces this past weekend, Jennifer Lawrence's fam made its way to Maui. And, in between gobs of mashed potatoes and stuffing, we were so transfixed by the pap snaps from their Hawaiian vacay that we needed second helpings of a different kind! Anyone else hungry for more intel on Katniss' hunky bro, Blaine?
After we did a bit of digging, we discovered that the Kentucky native not only flaunts a killer set of abs, but he's also super protective of his kid sister, telling a local paper, "Every guy still has to go through the same screening process with my brother, dad, and me." Plus, he's a "second-hand junkie," is unattached, and was Jennifer's date to the Oscars when she was nominated for Winter's Bone. Welcome to Swoon City, population one (ahem, Blaine Lawrence).

And, if you remember from an interview last year, we're not the only ones crushing on the sexy sibling — Jennifer admitted to
Rolling Stone
that "little redneck things still come out ... I'm attracted to my brother. Stuff like that." Well, considering she's off the market at the moment, it looks like Blaine's still available. We're hoping this foxy find leads to Casey Affleck- or Dave Franco-level popularity — or at least a walk-on role in her next flick (shirtless, of course!). (The Frisky)


Photo: Via The Frisky

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