And in our weekly installment of "What on Earth is Kreayshawn up to?" we bring you news that the pint-sized rapper has launched her own video game (How did we miss this???) and that she has self-described "I don't give a fuck syndrome." All of this was revealed in a HuffPo SF article in which the Oakland rapper explains why her music (err, her song "Gucci Gucci") has been so successful: "It's because I don't give a fuck. I've got 'I don't give a fuck' syndrome. People either get it or they don't. But if they get it, they respect that, because that's where music is going right now."
Other highlights of the interview include Kreayshawn's must-do list when she's back in the Bay. "When I'm home, we mostly just drive around the Bay and smoke. We drive all over the Bay. But I always go to Genova [Delicatessen] in Oakland. Oh my god, it's the best. I crave that shit. It wouldn't be a trip home without going there." For more Kreayshawn quotables, read the rest of HuffPo's piece here and check out the new-ish Kreayshawn: The Game, in which players can shoot basic bitches with ovary-shaped "swag." Seriously. We're not making this stuff up.