3 Easy Recipes Fashion Girls Will Be OBSESSED WITH

Pop-Up Pantry is a monthly column in which we ask some of our favorite chefs for help planning our weekly shopping lists. They'll give us simple recipes that we can prepare using only ingredients in the curated pantry (10 items or less) they've designed just for us, plus staples like olive oil, salt, and pepper. That way, we can make the most of our recent grocery shop without wasting food (and money!), or feeling like we have to make a big batch of just one recipe for the entire week.

We love collaborating with Chefs, but we usually have to remind them again (and again) that we are nowhere near being pros in the kitchen. When we say we need basic recipes, we mean capital B, Basic (but also super yummy, please). So when Lauren Gerrie told us that her Pop Up Pantry would consist of oatmeal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, we felt like we had met our culinary soul mate. Up ahead, chef Gerrie shows us how to make a soaked oatmeal base, that can be fancied up for all three meals in mere minutes.

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