Ex’s Mom Breaks Up With Lena Dunham On Facebook, Wishes Her Well

The latest Lena Dunham New Yorker contribution further confirms the reason why we watch Girls and why we can't help but read everything her name is attached to. To brief you on Dunham's candid confession, the writer shared a story about her college boyfriend — a free-spirited, possibly homosexual, cargo-wearing lad living on a mostly rice-and-bean diet, according to her tale. Once completely smitten, Dunham would only come across what we believe is the most bizarre part of the relationship with said cargo fan, Noah, two years after their heart-breaking split.
"Hi, Lena — Bill and I remember you with such pleasure and fondness! But it's time to sever the Facebook connection so I'm going to block you. We wish you all the BEST!" was the message Dunham received. It wasn't from Noah's new girlfriend, or boyfriend — the two-years-too-late message of closure came from her ex's mother, Nancy.
Maybe Nancy should have quietly removed her son's college girlfriend as a Facebook friend — a gesture that really needs no awkward explanation — however, we greatly appreciate that this happened and that it happened to someone like Dunham. While we certainly don't wish the actress and writer that kind of uncomfortable conversation that reopens a once-painful experience, because of Dunham's ability to tell it like it is and speak honestly, we feel relief knowing that we're not the only ones who've been through the ringer. Her transparency comforts and reminds us that it's not just us who've had to deal with one too many weird relationship dramas (and their social-media-savvy mamas).
So, again, thank you, Dunham, for sharing. Ignore Facebook, have a cocktail on us, and remember: She could have been your mother-in-law. (Vulture)

Photo: Courtesy of HBO

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