We all know what they say the best revenge is, and it appears that Liberty Ross is taking that adage to heart. Yesterday, Alexander Wang invited the jilted wife of Rupert Sanders to join his spring '13 show. A calculated move to garner publicity? Probably. But using a scandal for a legit career boost (which is what Ross did) and extending a helping hand to a colleague in need (which is what Wang did) isn't the worst way to kick off your show. Painted in the show's minimalist futura makeup and hair "strip," her appearance shocked the Twitter sphere. But that wasn't the last we saw of Ross...
Photo: MCV/FirstView

The model headed out in a simple, black shift to the infamous Alexander Wang after-party. Her well-kept-secret appearance at the shindig was so, well, well-kept that Liberty confessed to being terrified. She told The Cut, "I hadn’t actually been out of my house for seven weeks so I was really anxious. But it felt amazing.” For someone who "hasn't been out," she has certainly hit the ground running.
Photo: PatrickMcMullan.com