Apart from the excuse to binge eat and drink, one of the major reasons we were amped for this year's Super Bowl was the haute halftime, with Madge headlining. But we've gotta say, her performance felt a little half-assed. We can totally forgive the 53-year-old for her almost-fall on the stage (she was in skyscraper thigh-highs after all), but the Queen of Pop just seemed so tired. Right?
And the whole Givenchy Egyptian-themed act morphing into a rah-rah-siss-boom-bah cheer-off was beyond odd. Also, while we're huge fans of awesome cameos (Nicki Minaj, M.I.A., LMFAO, and Cee Lo? Great picks, at the very least.) all of the guest appearances made it all the more obvious that Madonna couldn't carry the show on her own.
We hate to ask, but is it time for the Material Girl to call it a day? Give us a shout on the show, and let us know your thoughts below!

Photo: Via FabSugar.