Inside Miami’s 7 Most Luxurious, Jaw-Dropping Hotel Suites

While no one expects you to shell out big bucks to experience Miami's world-renowned hospitality, it's certainly fun to take a gander at some of the most sought-after rooms in the state…nay, country. Our hotels are a hot commodity, so why not investigate the crème de la crème?
For a truly over-the-top, incredible, and totally lush Miami vacay (or staycay, if you will), we're taking you inside seven suites packed with top-notch design and hyper-curated decor. From double king-sized beds adorned with plush comforters to your own private lap pool with 360-degree views of the city, these temporary hangouts offer amenities that after all, don't just make visitors feel like the 1%—but the 1% of the 1%.This is the Magic City, and the suite life is the most charmed of all.
Spoil yourself at the seven most crazy-luxe hotel suites Miami has to offer.
Photo: Courtesy of Carma PR

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