#ModelProblems Include Unpronounceable Names, Sushi Pangs

Models, those crazy-tall, crazy-beautiful human specimens who live crazy-glamorous lifestyles where all they have to do is wear crazy-expensive clothing for a job — what do they have to complain about, right? Well, exploitation, unhealthy working standards, and massive debt, for one, but also a few things more tweetable.
It seems like #ModelProblems is trending as a Twitter hashtag, with complaints that range from Jourdan Dunn's press problems ("When you are getting interview [sic] backstage and the journalist asks you to describe the collection and you haven't got a clue #ModelProblems" and "Not knowing how to pronounce the designer name") to Holly Kagis' food problems ("A makeup artist has spent close to an hour painting my lips and now I really, really want some sushi").
The NYT (kind of hilariously) goes pretty deep into dissecting the Model Problems meme, from interviewing a professor of communications about the consequences relating to audience perception to the history of privileged people complaining. As for us, we've spent the past 20 minutes scrolling through this hashtag (and we highly recommend it). Good-bye, morning! (NYT)

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