Name: Khayatollah
Occupation: DJ/model/Bartender/Artist/Loved 1
Age: "Let's just say that I'm at my Saturn Return."
Website/Twitter handle: khayatollah, soundcloud
Hometown: Newark, NJ
Favorite childhood hairdo: "I loved when my mom would braid my hair from one side to the other, so that the cornrows were braided straight from one ear to the other like a cross-town highway. I think the hair to one side just feels so femme, and even at that age I liked that feeling."
Secret styling weapon: "Water is a Godsend! It softens the curls and makes it pliable. My hair is spongy so the h2o stays in my hair for hours and keeps the wool cool in the hot months."
What do you love most about your hair?: "I love that it grows upward, toward the sky. When I look at the trees in nature I see my hair and that feels beautiful."
What drives you nuts?: "The detangling process can be just that–a process! It's worth it though. African-textured hair is awesome because you can literally mold it into ANY shape or style because its strands are so flexible and springy. The only thing is sometimes I don't feel like making a sculpture!"
Dream 'do?: "I would love to just fast-forward to waist-length locks with beautiful stones and metals affixed to them. This will probably be me at 50."
What's a hair move you've always been curious about but have been afraid to try?: "I definitely look forward to the day that I shave it all off. I think that is a brave move and that every woman should experience her beauty raw, without hair. This would definitely inspire some growth."
If your hair had a horoscope, what would it be?: "Pisces, like me. I am the mother water sign–ever-changing and emoting, and I feel my hair speaks the same lingo. And I gotta say a close second would be a fire sign because when I sleep on both sides and wake up my hair looks like a flame!"