We're all pretty disgusted with the police brutality that's been going on at many Occupy Wall Street camps around the country, especially when protesters get a face full of pepper spray just for exercising their right to protest peacefully. Not okay, guys — in addition to the fact that it can, you know, cause temporary blindness, it's also pretty hard to defend yourself against, since it causes a severe burning sensation on any and all exposed skin. And, while hopefully none of us encounter pepper spray-wielding citizens (military or otherwise) on a daily basis, most of us also have a friend/relative/co-worker or two who needs to chill the f@$& out.
For all you occupiers who need a little more defense against the aggressive 'po'po, or if you just need to get that obnoxious, over-sharing co-worker off of your back (really? you got a mole removed? how utterly thrilling!), there are now aromatherapy sprays by The Antidote for Ego, that say they'll relieve aggression, passive-aggression, apathy, and even just a bad mood, with a spritz. Of course, these sprays aren't just for defense. But are we the only ones who love the idea of getting a little aromatherapy on before Aunt Judy comes to town for the holidays with her emotional baggage, or before Dad has a few too many egg nogs and starts on another political tirade? Sounds like a sweet deal to us. Oh, and the creator of The Antidote for Ego was even kind enough to provide a little disclaimer for her product: "Be smart, and don't spray them in your eyes, your mouth, or directly on your skin. Be kind, and don't spray them around folks who have chemical sensitivities." So, at your next sit-in or family gathering, or office "party," remember to spray responsibly — got that, OWS police?
(Antidote For Ego)
Photo: Courtesy of Antidote For Ego