It seems everyone's fascination with MTV goes into a natural decline as we grow out of our teens, but it seemed like the influx of filler programs like "My Super Sweet 16" and "Next" was the last nail in the coffin—that is, until the network made the smart move to take on fast-talking fashion darling
Alexa Chung
as their newest host. In the midst of our constant fawning over Alexa's witty quips, covetable closet, and too-cool-it-hurts persona, we thought it was high time to reminisce about all those other inspiring lady VJs who paved the way. Whether it's the inimitable Downtown Julie Brown or the too-quirky Kennedy, here are those other mic-wielding women who've personified the coolest girls of their eras from the tip of the sharp tongues to the bottoms of their vintage boots.