Major OMG moment—someone has started a twitter account, @CondeElevator, chronicling the absurd things that are overheard in the elevator of the famed Condé Nast building. While it's a wonder that this wasn't started sooner, we won't be critical of this precious gem of fashion facepalms. So far there aren't many posts yet, but those that are show the delightfully (and pathetically) out of touch, self-centered, and food-conscious musings we always imagined. One tweet in particular, however, so perfectly embodies the fashion industry that we're at a loss for words: "[silence] [silence] [silence] [silence] [silence] [silence] [silence] [silence] Summer Intern: “Was that…?” Intern #2: “Yeah” #annawintour" Genius. @CondeElevator, we pray that nobody shuts you down and can continue to deliver all the dirt that reminds us how hilarious this industry is. (Fashionista)