Beauty Tricks That Work While You Sleep

At this point, we feel like we could teach a master class in lazy-girl beauty. But, the truth is, as much as fun as primping can be, we all want to find ways to spend minimal effort to get the prettiest results. Taking your time getting ready on a Saturday is awesome, but on any given Tuesday, there's no way we're spending an hour with a curling wand or face-contouring kit. Hey, we're lucky if we make it to our first meeting of the day in one piece!
Enter: the overnight beauty routine. If you think strategically about your nighttime primpers, you can wake up with half of the work done for you. Seriously. Ditch that clumsy morning body scrub for smoothing peel pads, place a couple of key foam rollers in your locks, and damn, girl — you will have taken the path of least resistance to hotness.
To round up the sneakiest beauty tricks that work while you're getting in your quality pillow time, we reached out to dermatologist Marina Peredo, esthetician Candace Noonan, and hairstylists Travis Speck and Jen Atkin. Our pros delivered with their very best hands-off tricks — read on for your ultimate prettiness cheat sheet!

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