You Can Make Mascara Out Of Oreos?!

Ever had one of those moments when you look in your makeup bag and think, Wow, I have no mascara, but I am swimming in Oreos? Of course, you have! Well, vlogger Katharine of the YouTube channel xxmakeupiscoolxx has whipped up a recipe that would let you turn those Oreos into mascara. Kids these days.  It's a fairly simple process that includes smashing up the cookie part of your Oreos and then mixing it with water to make it easier to apply. While Katharine uses alcohol to sanitize the mascara pot, it's important to remember that food spoils. And, spoiled food around your eyes isn't exactly the safest thing in the world. Hell, fresh food around your eyes isn't so great either. So, if you're going to attempt this, do it at your own risk and knowing that your eye doctor may get pissed at you. One major plus side to this tutorial, other than its scrappy MacGyver-ness: You don't use the cream in the Oreos, which means you actually have an excuse to scoop out the insides and eat 'em. Not that we need an excuse — that's just how we do. Watch the video how-to above, and tell us: Would you make mascara out of your favorite cookie?

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