Now, now, we don't want to be the kids chanting "fight, fight, fight" on the playground steps of Lincoln Center, but when such ridiculous name-calling is at play, we're not going to stop it. Instead we bring you clarification on all this she-said/he-said. The culprits? NY Times' Cathy Horyn and that little design guy, oh what's his name again? Oscar de la Renta. It all started in Horyn's review — she said, "Mr. de la Renta is far more a hot dog than an éminence grise of American fashion." And Mr. DLR is not taking this one sitting down. He rebutted with a public letter addressing Cathy directly: "If you have the right to call me a hot dog, why do I not have the right to call you a stale, 3-day old hamburger?" Burrrrn... we think?
Amidst all of this barbecue slang flying around, the meaning of the review got a little lost on us. We will say however, the opening of Horyn's NYFW descriptor is one of the most accurate we've ever read, "Fashion Week has been a lavish rat race, an incredible assault on the nerves, with people rushing down to Chelsea, up to Lincoln Center, back to Chelsea, while being bombarded by aimless weirdos with cameras and clothes you can’t forget fast enough." So, maybe it's just that her nerves are worn thin? For our part, we're not going to forget Oscar's clothes — but not in a bad way — and we're not going to let this fashion fast food fight slip into distant memory, either. (Racked)

Photo: Via Racked