This Face Oil Made A Major Difference On My Acne Scars

Acne breakouts have a terrible reputation for popping up when least expected. From a first date to a career-making meeting, no important occasion is free from its frustrating grasp. Now, we all know that picking and popping is a no-no, but even with a hand's off approach, scars can happen. Unfortunately, that’s something I’ve become very familiar with.
Recently, I've been experiencing some pretty bad hormonal acne. After some admittedly weak moments of picking at my blemishes, I’ve also caused a lot of acne scars. But, just when I thought I might have to give up all hope on finding a cure, the Pai Rosehip Bioregenerate Face Oil waltzed into my life.
I’ve tried (and loved) many other facial oils in the past, but this formula is different. What makes it more advanced than other oils I've tried? According to the brand, the oil contains both rosehip seeds and rosehip fruit — which contain high percentages of omegas. These omegas, along with vitamin E and rosemary, regenerate the skin to help undo any damage done by blemishes or scarring.
Much to my surprise, the formula was not what I expected. It’s not a thick oil that leaves the skin feeling slick or greasy. Instead, it’s lightweight and it feels more like a serum. The bright orange color is also a little surprising, but fades as soon as massaged into the skin. But here's where the magic really comes in: in less than a week of use, I already started noticing a difference in the appearance of my skin. During that first week my small scars looked less noticeable. Then, after a few weeks, my larger scars started to smooth and fade a bit, too. The oil even remedied some of my troubling dry spots. My skin also feels incredibly soft and smooth, which, let's be honest, is way more than I expected. Moral of the story? No oil is a miracle in a bottle, but this one is getting a lot closer than most, which is good enough for me.

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