The Best Way To Look Like A Hot Mess

Think back to your fourth grade art class. You open your paint set, ready to conquer your next project, and just as your brush hits the canvas — BAM! There's splatter on your overalls. Great. (Plus, now you have to explain how to managed to ruin yet another new outfit.) Sound familiar? That's the story for this artistically challenged paint enthusiast, anyway.
Well, fast-forward to this season. That same speckled look isn’t a problem at all, but the best thing that could ever happen to your wardrobe. Seriously. A swirly smattering is the simplest way to make any basic piece of clothing instantly cooler — take that, Mom! But, don't fret if you don’t have an arts-and-crafts kit handy. We culled 12 super-rad, splattered finds for you ahead — none of which will mess up your spring style game.