These 15 Childhood Fave Packaged Snacks Are Vegan & We Had No Idea

When we think of vegan food, our minds tend to wander to fresh, unprocessed, grains, veggies, fruits, and nuts. And not so much to the tearing, unwrapping, popping, and munching in a land of packaged (and processed) snacks. But, in reality Packaged Food Land actually has more than its fair share of meat- and dairy-free goods! Not only that, but the majority of these tasty bags and boxes happen to be some of our all-time favorite nostalgic treats and noshes.
Perhaps you've already heard word about a certain cookie favorite? Ahem, Oreos. Or maybe you've even caught wind of whispers about certain go-to bags-o-chips? Regardless of what you have (or haven't) heard, ahead we've rounded up 15 surprise snacks that are vegan-friendly.
Note: Some products have been manufactured in facilities that also process and handle dairy, so please be sure to read individual ingredient labels prior to consumption if at risk for an allergy.

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