19 Dresses For When You're Feeling Lazy, But Still Want To Look Good

For all the effort we'd like to put into it, dressing up everyday can take more energy than we have to spare while bleary-eyed at 8 a.m. Sometimes, sorting through our closet can feel overwhelming (there's a reason so many joke about having a packed wardrobe, but nothing to wear). Or, summer hits, and the weather gets too hot to even handle. In those moments, as long as all the important parts are properly covered, grabbing the simplest thing on-hand is an easy choice. But what if we told you there was a magical item that takes both no effort and still looks put-together? Oh yes, say hi to the tank dress.
Racerback, maxi, cami, jersey β€” whatever the strap thickness, length or lightweight material, a tank dress is a godsend at the height of summer. It's sleeveless, it's throw-on-and-go, and the only thing you need to finish it off is a sweater wrapped around your midsection or a crisp pair of sneakers. With hot weather on the horizon, give your full #OOTDs a break with these no-frill dresses that'll work for any situation.

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