Nine times out of ten you’re bound to find us huddled above our iPhones, ogling our ever-changing Instagram stream. And sure, we know we have final say in what (or at least whose) images appear in our feeds, but we can’t help but lurk around a bit, exploring the parameters of Instagram’s most-intriguing (and sometimes appalling) offerings. Um, how did we end up on this “popular” page for 20 minutes? Well, the new Tumblr Rich Kids Of Instagram takes this vantage to a whole new level — boasting (and we do mean boasting) a nauseating collection of elitist captures that will almost make you wish you never joined the snap app. Not because you’re envious (okay, maybe you are just a little), but because it’s saddening how off-the-charts spoiled tactless these teens are.
What will you find on the Rich Kids Of Instagram stream? Oh, you know, the norm — pics of champagne-bottle carrying, jetsetting, pool-lounging youngsters. Social-media restraint, people… learn it. What's your take on this: Kids just being kids or over-the-top nonsense at its worst? Weigh in below in the comment section. (Gizmodo)

Photo: Via Rich Kids Of Instagram