She’s The Won: Ashley Of Milk Teeths Is Our Next Big Style Blogger!

Our intrepid Next Big Style Blogger finalists blogged their little hearts out, and we couldn’t be prouder with the way each of them aced their challenges. Alas—there could only be one winner, so we’re beyond thrilled to announce Refinery29’s Next Big Style Blogger winner: Ashley of Milk Teeths! “Given our experience in growing Refinery29, we knew we wanted to choose someone who embodied all the characteristics that we appreciate in a blogger,” said R29 editor-in-chief Christene Barberich, who, along with R29 creative director, Piera Gelardi, had the daunting task of judging our competition. “It's not just about how a blog looks or how strong a writer he or she might be, though that's certainly important—for us, it's that really lively voice and authenticity that tends to make the biggest impression," she says. "Ashley expresses all those qualities, in person and in her blog, and we think she has a very bright blogging and beyond!” Congrats to the Irvine, CA-based blogger extraordinaire, who wins a week-long trip to New York City, a cash prize (ch-ching!), and—we personally think this is the best prize of all—a first-class Guest Blogger gig with yours truly. Can’t wait to have you join us, Ashley, and congratulations to all the budding bloggers out there who participated in our search. We're humbled by all the incredible talent out there. Really and truly!

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