Sheet Masks: Creepy, Yet Wildly Effective Skin Care

By now we're sure you're familiar with sheet masks, so we'll spare you the lame Silence of the Lambs jokes everyone feels the need to make about them. But while you may have seen them, chances are you probably haven't tried them yet — maybe they looked complicated or just didn't make sense to you. We beg you to reconsider, because these awkward-looking treatments are actually all kinds of awesome for your skin.
For those of you who are still a little fuzzy on the details, sheet masks are full-face pieces cloth or paper that have holes cut out of them for your eyes, nose, and mouth. They are infused with a potent treatment formula — simply unfold the mask, lay it on your face, aligning the holes with the corresponding part of your face (which can be trickier than it sounds) and relax for 10-15 minutes. The cooling liquid formula will refresh your complexion as it is absorbed into the face. What makes these really different from the wash-off masks you are used to is the fact that the sheet masks trap the formula on top of your skin, forcing it to absorb and sealing in moisture.
While they are super-popular in Asian countries, for some reason cloth masks just haven't caught on in the Western world. Thankfully, it looks like that's about to change with the recent launch of a spate of new masks by well-known brands. Here, we've rounded up the most notable ones hitting shelves right now. Check them out, find the formula that's right for you and give them a go — we don't think you'll be disappointed. One word of warning: They can be a tiny bit messy the first time you use them, so be sure to have a towel handy to help wipe up the drips.

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