An Ode To Solange Knowles’ Instagram Account

It’s no secret that I’m crazy in love with Beyoncé. Because, let’s face it, there’s no one like her. She’s my goddess. My world. But, then I turned to her sister, Solange — well, more specifically, Solange’s baller Instagram account and realized that this Knowles sister may actually be my saint. Oh, fun fact: Her Instagram account is called @SaintRecords (after her record label). Follow immediately. But, to give you a quick preview before you grab your phone, let me walk you through why this diva artist certified fashion chick’s account is everything.
She takes legit selfies. Those selfies consist of the coolest outfits. (Yes, her Puma collection included). And, when she’s not snappig a pic of herself in some exotic location like a pink-sand beach or on a jet from Chile to Buenos Aires, she’s featuring just-as-beautiful girls in just-as-amazing clothes. Sigh. Can I just live inside this Instagram?
Well, since that’s probably not an option (unless Solange and I magically become besties), I’m just going to relive my favorite moments from her feed. Want to join? Of course you do. Click through to check out some of Solange’s best Instas. And, because I guarantee you’ll so want to own just about everything she (or her friends) are wearing, you can shop goods inspired by each pic, too. Thanks, Solange for being so freakin’ awesome. Okay, time to spend the rest of this Sunday on Instagram.
Photo: Via @SaintRecords.

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