16 Candy-Colored Necklaces For Spring

Think about it: For as often as you use the phrase "the best of both worlds," how often do you actually get it? As in, how often do you come across a shoe that dazzles like a stiletto yet feels like a slipper? Or, a dress that looks and feels amazing but costs virtually nothing? The answer: not very often. Slash never.
Enter: spring's most incredible statement necklaces. In a totally-2014 palette of soft, delicate pastel hues, these head-turning, bejeweled baubles are simultaneously girly and powerful, sweet and stunning. They channel your inner Angelina Ballerina-loving grade-schooler while also conveying a thoroughly grown-up flair for the dramatic. In short, we're obsessed, and you will be, too. Click through to see all our favorites, and find a few of your own.