So, we hope by now you’ve met the fabulous ladies competing in our 2nd Annual Next Big Style Blogger Contest and watched them wrestle some serious chic out of a $100 budget. Well, for their second assignment, we’re asking them to make the most out of a single garment with our 1 Piece 5 Ways Challenge. Because being our ultimate, hands-down winner requires not only the ability to style up a storm, but also the fashion intel to tap every single piece of clothing for all its sartorial possibilities, we’re asking each of them to take a single piece from bar III’s latest collection (available only at Macy’s) and fashion five (yes, five) exceptional outfits out of them.
To see what these women whip up with their bar III pieces, just click over to our contest page and get ready to take some notes because this one is sure to inspire even the most jaded of outfit innovators.