Footloose, Fancy Free: Three Outfits For Your Finest Summer Fridays

Summer Fridays are the stuff of workplace urban legend. Who has 'em? When do they start? What does one do if they are so blessed? And how does one decide? Those of us lucky enough to be able to bolt around 3 p.m. when Friday afternoon rolls around know just how splendid those two or so extra hours can be, especially here in L.A. What with Friday's epic traffic jams, getting out even a tiny bit early has real game-changing potential!
So, with work-week freedom on the horizon, it's time to start detailing your after-hours agenda. The possibilities are pretty endless: From early evening beach jaunts to setting off on weekend adventures, it's summer time and the living's easy. We've gone and picked three of our absolute favorite ways to spend the day, and outfitted you for each so that making the great escape is as easy as 1-2-3. Whether you're bouncing around between giddy happy hours, chilling out in a friend's backyard, or heading to a show as the sun sets, we think you'll find these ensembles perfect for on-the-job and out-of-office dressing. Now, the fun part — go make those plans!

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