Our buddy over at Robert Geller, Peter Nguyen, alerted us to a Kenneth Cole tweet from this morning that left a sour taste in our mouths. With all the social unrest, violence, and upheaval occurring in Egypt (that affects global politics in ways that makes spring collection availability seems completely frivolous), Cairo discussion should probably only veer into joke territory when directed by those who actually have something to say. @KennethCole posted that "Millions are in uproar in #Cairo. Rumor is they heard our new spring collection is now available online at http://bit.ly/KCairo -KC." And it's not just Kenneth Cole's social media person who's responsible, it's the actual designer: Says their Twitter page, "Thoughts that end in -KC are from me personally; others are behind the seams insights from my inspiring associates." The part that really makes the whole thing sting is the huge slogan plastered on their background: "'It's more than just raising awareness' —Kenneth Cole." Apparently, it's also about making jokes in poor taste. (@KennethCole via @theessentialman)