Inside R29: The Dude Edition

The ladies of Refinery29 took a break this week. No cameras. No rush to reapply our lipstick. Not gonna happen. Not this week.
Instead, the lenses were turned on the dudes of Refinery29 who may not always get as much on-camera time, but bring their style A-game on the regular. Whether these fellas are writing brilliant copy, keeping the site running in tip-top shape, or organizing our next big bash (or, ahem, office happy hour?), they also have an arsenal of style advice to dole out. We snagged their most major pearl of wisdom to share with us, ladies — who grossly outnumber them, we'll admit — and the rest of the dudes out there who might want to take notes.
See ya next week, ladies. Today is all about the men (Mad Men included).
Photographed by Laura Miller

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