The Transitional-Weather Style Tip To Keep You Feeling Good All Day

It's freezing in the morning when you leave your apartment, but by the time you exit the coffee shop next to work you're basically baking inside your sweater. Of course, your office AC forces you to drape that promotional beach towel over your shoulders until quitting time, and then the restaurant you hit for dinner pumps straight heat out of the open kitchen. For the next month or so, figuring out how warmly to dress is a feat just short of divination. But, there's a simple styling trick that helps.
It's tying a layer around your waist. But, it's not as simple as knotting the thing and heading out the door. There's a reason your weird cousins look like tourists when they do it, and fashion editors look like fashion editors when they do it. It's all in the execution. You've got to pick the other pieces based on what will make the waist item look intentional, and then master the knot. From there, throw it over your shoulders when it gets cold, and pop it back around your waist when temps rise. For a more detailed how-to, a professional tutorial lies ahead.

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