How do you discover new music?
"Usually from floating around Soundcloud, DJ mixes by artists I already know, recommendations."
How would you describe your DJ vibe?
"I always want it to be an experience. I never just play 'dance' songs — there is always a point where I take it deeper."
What's the coolest or freakiest thing you've seen happen while you were DJing?
"I've seen full-on female makeout sessions in front of the DJ booth. I've had guys dress crazy to get my attention. There are too many."
Tell us about your most trusted headphones.
"I don't use headphones when I DJ as I use Ableton Live. When I do DJ, I use Beats by Dre Pro headphones. For listening, I use Audio-Technica ATH-M50."
What's the last song you Shazam'd?
"LL Cool J's 'Hey Lover.'"