Seriously, what do unicorn farts smell like? Don't act like you've never wondered. Well, thanks to those intrepid reporters over at Laughing Squid, we now know. They found this charming lip balm on Etsy and we've got to admit, we're intrigued. The Long Winter Farm has attempted to capture the elusive scent of a mythical creature's flatulence and the end result is this spearmint and cotton candy blend that we'll be the first to admit sounds absolutely delicious. Don't judge — we've got a weakness for all things candy floss.
To go along with that delectable scent, it's also got natural beeswax, unrefined cocoa butter, unrefined shea butter, vitamin E, jojoba, sweet almond, and grape seed oils. All yummy things to help keep your lips soft and supple. The name might be a bit ridiculous, but it got our attention and it sure beats the hell out of cherry chapstick in the conversation-starter department. We'll be stocking up on these cheeky little lippies once they come back in stock next week (you can pre-order now if you just can't wait).
Are you down with Unicorn Farts or is this just juvenile?
Long Winter Farm Unicorn Farts Lip Balm, $3.75, available at Etsy.
Photo: Via Long Winter Farm