Ok, so here's the deal. We love clothes and we love pets, but it's pretty damn creepy when we see dogs trotting around in knitted sweaters or real-life versions of Puss in Boots. That's why our faces were of simultaneous horror and too-cute-we-die meltiness when we received United Bamboo's 2010 Calendar preview featuring kittens in miniature versions of UB duds. We're not sure what's more awww-some— the kitties themselves, or the clothing they're wearing, though the combination of the two sure make for a winsome duo. Email help@unitedbamboo.com to secure a copy for yourself, because we're sure these calendars will sell out before its November release. Ah, first Winston, and now these tabbies. What's next? Rabbits in the season's latest jewelry? Actually...yes, please!