7 Amazing Women Who Made It Easier For You To Have Sex

Photo: Bettmann/Getty Images.
This Sunday, August 26, marks the 98th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, which officially granted women the right to vote. And as we celebrate Women's Equality Day, which August 26th is known as now, we think about those incredible women who fought for our right to vote and won. Often, we also think of women who fought (and are continuing to fight) for women's equality in the workplace. But, there's another kind of equality that we can thank brave women for: sexual equality.
Without the tireless work of some badass women in history, single women would still be expected to be celibate. We wouldn't have access to the birth control that makes it safe for us to have sex without fear of pregnancy. And we'd probably still think women can only orgasm when someone sticks a penis inside of them (although, some people really do still think that). So, let's raise a glass to the women who made it okay for us to have as much (or as little) sex as we want.
Ahead, we celebrate 7 of the women who pioneered conversations about sexuality and sexual health.

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